The Metaverse’s Growing Pains – Where Do We Go From Here?
The Metaverse’s Growing Pains – Where Do We Go From Here?
FTI Consulting Metaverse Credentials and POV Discussion
The metaverse has gone through a massive hype cycle, both consumer- and investment-led, in the last 18 months. This is not unique when considering transformative concepts and is arguably a good way to apply technological Darwinism. Now is a good time to get REAL and assess the next stage of the evolution of the metaverse. While the initial hype has died down:
The shift in consumer behavior has begun
Businesses continue to experiment and are already identifying where value can be created
Tech funding and venture investment on substantive projects remain high
To identify true opportunities, we need a data-driven approach to separate myths from realities. FTI Consulting experts discuss the State of Play: consumer perspectives, corporate perspectives, and investment perspectives on the metaverse. Our metaverse, digital transformation, media and entertainment, technology, blockchain and BaaS specialists analyze what the data is telling us about the demographics of metaverse awareness and participation, how developments in metaverse-adjacent innovations such as cryptocurrency and NFT projects are affecting consumer interest in the metaverse ecosystem, and the various use cases companies are exploring for metaverse technology.
Read on to learn how FTI Consulting can support your organization by assessing your metaverse readiness through the exploration of near-term options and long-term strategies to identify paths to success.